Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Karma gonna git cha!!

I was talking to a neighbor of ours yesterday and SHE was talking to a neighbor of hers earlier in the day and said that SHE heard something horrible happened on our block. Yeah, I was all ears too!

She said that someone on the adjoining street tied up her little dog to the front stoop and took out her trash the last trash day. She brought her trash to the curb, turned around and saw a coyote attack her dog, going right for the throat. The coyote grabbed the pipsqueak and headed off into the woods with it.

Oh man, I am giddy with joy here!! If you don't know why, see my blog from June 13, 2007. I was about to recap it, but I figured I'd let those who don't know 'the backstory' do a little leg work. I don't know for sure if it's one of HER dogs, but I'm praying like mad that it is. How great would that be if that stupid fuck knuckle saw her dog get ripped apart by a coyote??? That would be some serious Karma in action. I need to dig a little into this and get confirmation, but know that I'll be going to bed a little happier tonight just thinking that she'll play that sight over and over in her mind for the rest of her miserable life.


BTW, I was just going to blog about the status update of the whole house situation, but it was getting very lengthy and boring, so I stopped. Hopefully Allison will make it sound more interesting in her blog (gee, no pressure, huh Allison?). The short, short version is: we put an offer on a house, but we got bumped. Go ahead Babs, fill in the gaps.


Meri said...

Oh man ... I'd be jumping for joy as well. Does said neighbor also have a BIG dog, one that may have been the offending deuce-dropper (he was big, remember)? I sure do hope so, otherwise I might feel a wee bit sad for the little ankle-biter ... although it is a fitting end for wimpy little yappers like hers ....

Don said...

The original dog that shit on my lawn, was big. The owner (who is our next door neighbor) breeds 2 kinds of dogs: Golden Retrievers and these little piece of shit mop dogs. So it still could be one of hers.

Still haven't seen any neighbors yet, so no new news.